Sixth devlog: Start of production sprint 2.

Hello everyone! We are back after a few weeks of Easter holiday. For this sprint we had to decide which features would be kept and which ones where not going to make the cut for the final en result. Before i go over the list of features we are still going to include. 

Lets dive back into the routine of listening to invigorating synthwave/vaporwave

features we are still going to include in our game:
-more Ammo types!: Invert ammo,freeze ammo
-different bullet patterns: cone pattern.wave pattern.
-stalemate hazards too advance gameplay to a new round.
-tiles have a lifespan. they are not immediatlt destroyed.
-punch mechanic for close combat action.
-different co-op modes:1v3, 2v2, one for all.

Programmer topics:

The camera has been adjusted to make the transition after a round smooth. There was also a bug that caused the view to become black which has been fixed.

Players now get destroyed when they fall of the map and will respawn for the next round. This means no more confusing the camera by running around underneath the map after you fall off.

There has been works for a new ammo type in the programming department. This week our programmers tackeled the freeze ammo type.  This will make it so that our players can shoot a tile and it will make everybody that walk over it move significantly slower. Which than makes it harder to escape the falling floortiles around you. The bullet has a different trajectory and turn tiles blue when impacted. 

We have added a character select screen to the game. In here you will be able to choose your avatars head and color to have a better overview of where on the arena you are.

Still in early progress:

-implementing the punch mechanic.
-different tile behaviors.
-spawning of all ammo types so far.
-character rotation when not touching the right joystick.
-programming of the UI.

Artist topics:

-camera view and visual look:

We've made some visual changes to the look of the level. In order to improve readability of the playing field and depth perception we decided to increase the angle of the camera. The tiles now have a slight emissive border as well, improving readability of the tiles.

-Charater Particle effects:

To make the characters feel more alive and connected we wanted to include a particle effect on the character to show all the body parts are connected. We came up with the idea of it being represented by a surging energyflow.

Here are some early designs of the character selection screen:

The character selection screen:

-The Making of different head styles for multiplayer.

We wanted to further distinguesh players from each other. And since it is a top down game the Head of the character is ther first thing you see. This is why we opted to go for interchangebale heads incharacter selection while keeping the same base body for everyone.

currently added heads: The Augmented skull, The All Seeing Pyramid, The Floaty Lavalamp, The Grooving Walkman,The Out of This World Alien.

and offcourse our classic tv-head will also stay in the game.

-creating the cannister where the ammo is stored. 

to be able to store the ammo/bugs/virusses you pick up we opted to have a cannister on the players back. And since the ammo is something that would be digitally stored we choose to go for a designe that resembles a big  data storrage unit. The blue color on the back will also represent the amount of ammo left. this will be shown in the HUD and will also be visually represented by a diegetic shader on the model itself. 

more worked out version:

finishing modeling the gun

-early stages of design for the different types of possibles hazards:
-falling bombs
-laser sweeps
-all ammo becomes cluster bombs
-laser chasing players and burns tiles
-battle royal zone
-tron lines
-player punch get huge knockback.

Design stage to represent a players death and to make it satisfying:

With all of that said this is the current stable game state:

Get TheFloorIsHacked!

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